Seniors hospitalized after lining up in the heat for Trump's Arizona rally

Eleven people were hospitalized due to heat exhaustion while waiting in line for a rally featuring former President Donald Trump in Phoenix

Nearly a dozen Trump supporters were hospitalized due to heat exhaustion at his first rally since his conviction, which took place in Phoenix, Arizona. The rally was organized by Turning Point USA and was attended by hundreds of supporters who braved the scorching heat to see the former President Donald Trump speak. The temperature reached a record-breaking 111 degrees Fahrenheit, causing several attendees to collapse and require medical attention.

Trump takes 6 days off from campaigning then sends 11 people to the hospital holding a rally at 2:00 PM in Arizona in June when it’s 108 degrees,” writes Ron Filipkowski, Editor-in Chief of MTN, in a post to X. “He doesn’t care at all about these people. He wants their money & their votes so he can acquire power. When will the rubes wake up?”

Perhaps loopy from the heat himself, Trump’s speech at the Turning Point USA sponsored event included a rather creative swipe at President Biden, accusing him of falling out of airplanes and helicopters.

Key Points

  • Heat-Related Hospitalizations: At least eleven individuals were hospitalized due to heat exhaustion while waiting for the rally to begin.
  • Temperature Record: The temperature in Phoenix reached 111 degrees Fahrenheit, equaling the daily heat record set in 2016.
  • Early Hospitalizations: One woman had already succumbed to heat exhaustion by 10:30 a.m., before the temperature had even reached the 100-degree mark.
  • Rally Details: The rally was organized by Turning Point USA and took place at the Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Trump’s Speech: Trump’s speech included a jab at President Biden, claiming that Biden falls out of airplanes and helicopters

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