87-year-old man gets 8 years in prison for killing 81-year-old wife

Haruo Yoshida, an 87-year-old man, received an eight-year prison sentence for the murder of his 81-year-old wife, Kyoko. The incident occurred on December 14, 2023, at their home in Nerima Ward, Tokyo.

Yoshida strangled his wife with both hands, and during the trial, he expressed remorse for his actions, stating that he did not intend to kill her but was overwhelmed by the stress of caring for her as her health deteriorated.

The court acknowledged his age and health issues but emphasized the need for accountability in such serious crimes

Kyoko had a leg disability and had been unable to walk for about a year. Yoshida told the court that he he was worn out from looking after her.

He said: “It’s a nursing care issue. I can’t do housework, and I’ve never cooked rice. I just couldn’t go on like that anymore.”

In handing down the ruling, the presiding judge said: “The victim was not in a state where she needed nursing care, but the defendant killed her because he was anxious about the future. It was a short-sighted crime based on a selfish motive.

“It is only natural to imagine the psychological shock the victim must have suffered, being suddenly strangled by her husband with whom she had shared her life for many years.”

The couple had been married for more than 50 years.

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