Germany by 2026 plans to Bans Chinese Components in Core 5G Networks Amid Security Concerns

BERLIN (AP) — Germany will bar the use of components made by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE from core parts of the country’s 5G networks, in two steps starting in 2026, the nation’s top security official said Thursday

Germany has said that it will not allow Chinese companies to supply parts for the essential components of its 5G networks.
The choice was made in the midst of escalating worries about national security and possible dangers from Chinese technology in vital infrastructure. According to Germany’s top security official, the use of Chinese-made components in the core of the nation’s 5G networks will be prohibited.

This action fits in with a larger tendency in Western countries to restrict the participation of Chinese companies, like Huawei, in their 5G deployments. The decision is indicative of the German government’s endeavors to address possible security weaknesses and guarantee the reliability of its telecommunication network.

Germany is attempting to strike a balance between its national security concerns and economic goals, which includes excluding Chinese components from being used in its 5G core networks. Other countries may decide to restrict Chinese participation in their vital communication networks, which would have repercussions for the European Union and the global 5G environment.

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