Leadership Development In Today’s Ever-Changing World

According to a Chinese saying, learning is similar to rowing upstream. To fall back is to not advance.

That viewpoint could be particularly relevant in the context of developing leaders. There’s no denying that our world is more decentralized, global, dynamic, and varied than it has ever been. Therefore, future leaders need to put their own growth first. They also need to always be prepared to change course and adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

FORBES wrote about a welcome resource is a new book titled Modern Achievement: A New Approach to Timeless Lessons for Aspiring LeadersAuthors Asheesh Advani and Marshall Goldsmith provide a highly readable guide for emerging leaders who want to claim their individual power to grow and achieve. Advani is the CEO of Junior Achievement Worldwide, one of the largest NGOs in the world dedicated to preparing youth for employment and entrepreneurship. Goldsmith is a Thinkers50 Management Hall of Famer who has advised hundreds of CEOs and management teams and authored three dozen books, including the classic bestseller What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

Advani sat down for an interview and shared his views on today’s leadership development landscape.

So, in terms of achievement challenges and opportunities, what do people face today that’s different from 20 or 30 years ago?

Advanti says the achievement landscape of today is more diverse, more global, and more dynamic than in past decades

he says. “Today’s graduates will have on average more than 20 different jobs and potentially more than seven different careers during their professional lives, requiring us to rethink the way we consider long-term goal setting and educational achievement. visit FORBES FOR DETAILS

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