Florida Plastic Surgeon Charged with Homicide After Wife Dies During Botched Procedure”

Florida plastic surgeon Benjamin Jacob Brown, 41, has been charged with second-degree felony homicide: manslaughter by culpable negligence after his wife, Hillary Ellington Brown, 33, died following a medical emergency during a surgical procedure at his practice, Restore Plastic Surgery, in November 2023

According to the investigation, on November 21, 2023, Hillary Brown was undergoing several cosmetic procedures, including scar revision, liposuction, lip injections, and ear adjustments, performed by her husband. During the procedures, Hillary began exhibiting signs of lidocaine toxicity, such as muscle twitching and blurred vision.

Despite Hillary’s worsening condition, Dr. Brown allegedly continued to inject her with more lidocaine instead of calling 911 immediately. Staff members repeatedly asked Dr. Brown to call for emergency assistance, but he refused, telling them to “wait” or “no”.

It was not until Hillary’s breathing became shallow and her pulse and oxygen levels dropped that Dr. Brown finally instructed his staff to call 911, approximately 10-20 minutes after the initial complications arose.

Hillary Brown was transported to the hospital in cardiac arrest and remained on life support for a week before passing away on November 28, 2023. The medical examiner determined that the cause of death was complications from lidocaine toxicity.

The Florida Department of Health’s investigation found that Dr. Brown’s treatment of his wife was “careless and haphazard”, and that his “level of disregard for patient safety, even when the patient was his wife, indicates that Dr. Brown is unwilling or incapable of providing the appropriate level of care his future patients deserve.” The department had previously restricted Dr. Brown’s medical license due to allegations of malpractice and unauthorized procedures

Dr. Brown now faces up to life in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted of the second-degree felony homicide charge. The tragic incident has left Hillary Brown’s family devastated, with her father stating that “My daughter died because of one careless individual. His ego and arrogance overshadowed the need for help, prolonging oxygen deprivation to her brain and ultimately causing her death.

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